Practice Areas

  • Personal Injury

    Personal injury law encompasses cases where individuals suffer harm due to another party's negligence or intentional actions. This field covers a wide range of incidents, from slip-and-fall accidents to product liability claims.

  • Auto Accidents

    Auto accident cases involve collisions or incidents on the road, often resulting in injuries or property damage. These cases vary in complexity based on factors like liability and extent of injuries.

  • OReillyCriminalDefense

    Criminal Defense

    Innocent until proven guilty. We have the legal experience from defending capital crimes to DUI/DWI.

  • Tractor Trailer Accidents

    Trucking accidents involve collisions with commercial trucks & vehicles. These cases tend to be complex due to multiple liable parties, including trucking companies, drivers, and manufacturers.

  • Motorcycle Accidents

    Motorcycle accident cases involve collisions or accidents where motorcyclists suffer injuries. These cases often require specialized legal expertise due to the unique risks and laws governing motorcycles.

  • Golf Cart Accidents

    Accidents involving golf carts can lead to injuries, and legal cases may arise if negligence or recklessness is involved, requiring investigation into factors such as maintenance and operator behavior.

  • Drunk Driving Accidents

    Drunk driving accidents involve collisions caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These cases often result in severe injuries or fatalities, with legal ramifications for the intoxicated driver.

  • Dram Shop Law

    Dram Shop Law / Bar Negligence: This legal area involves cases where establishments, such as bars or restaurants, can be held liable for serving alcohol to visibly intoxicated individuals who later cause harm due to their impaired state.

  • Dog Bites

    Dog bite cases deal with injuries caused by dog attacks. Laws regarding liability vary by state, and factors such as the dog's history and the owner's negligence can influence the outcome.

  • Medical Malpractice

    Medical malpractice involves negligence or errors by healthcare professionals that result in patient harm. These cases are complex and often require expert testimony to establish a breach of standard care.

  • Slip-Trips-Falls

    Slip-and-fall cases involve injuries sustained on someone else's property due to hazardous conditions, such as wet floors or uneven surfaces. Establishing liability is crucial in these cases.

  • Workers' Compensation

    This area of law deals with injuries or illnesses sustained in the workplace. It aims to provide compensation for medical expenses and lost wages to affected employees.

  • Wrongful Death

    Wrongful death claims are brought by surviving family members when someone dies due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party. These cases seek compensation for the family's losses.

  • Product Liability

    Product liability cases involve injuries caused by defective products. Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers can be held liable for injuries resulting from their products.

  • Insurance Bad Faith

    This legal area involves situations where insurance companies act in bad faith, denying legitimate claims or failing to fulfill their obligations to policyholders.

  • Nursing Home Elder Abuse

    Cases involving mistreatment, neglect, or abuse of elderly residents in nursing homes or care facilities fall under this category, aiming to protect the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals.

  • Drowning

    Legal cases related to drowning involve incidents in water bodies, pools, or other locations where negligence or lack of proper safety measures contributed to the drowning.

  • Negligent Security

    Negligent security cases focus on inadequate security measures leading to harm or injury on someone else's property, such as assaults due to lack of proper security measures.

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